Welcome to Twigs Review!

I like to review movies, books, recipes, TV shows, online videos, and anything else I come across...all from the view of a ten year old twig! If you see that I posted a review about something you want to try please try it and then tell me what you think!

Nov 3, 2010

My "Great" Family

Well I just back from the doctor's office with my brother, sister, and mom. Well no one needed shots all I needed was a little finger prick so they could see how my blood sugar was. My mom picked me up when my class and I were just finishing up science so I didn't mind that. After the doctor's office we went to Walmart to get some things for dinner. I'm having roast beef with mashed potatoes tonight, YUMMY! I got home and took out the dogs but about 5 seconds after I got home my family, (- my dad) started driving me CRAZY!!!!! My dumb brother started saying how my sister needed to start doing 1 of his chores, the dishes. My brother has been talking about it and my dad said soon she had to start doing it soon. The whole problem there is that my sister ALWAYS acts like shes MY age but she is 2 years older so she just keeps denying it and keeps not having to do because (like always) my mom goes on my sister's side and doesn't have to do the dishes. Then my brother and sister stated fighting after and I was so board and annoyed I went into a different room to see that someone had eaten a lot of my Halloween candy. My brother claims he only ate 1 thing but I KNOW he ate more. The thing that sucks there is he took one of my absolute FAVORITE candy bars and I only had one of those and he ate it because he didn't get much candy and he already ate ALL of it!! After that everyone was yelling, including my mom. It really sucked so I came down to a computer to go on my blog and have some actual fun today!! And since I review and I'm suppose to give a review I would give my doctor's office 10 twigs because they are really nice and when they do the finger pricks I didn't fell anything. On the other hand I would give my family 9 twigs because of how much they yell and fight, including me !!


  1. Oh boy...I guess everything in this house is now a possible blog entry. Yikes! ;)

    Twig's Mom

  2. Geeze! Sounds like a typical family to me.
