This post has two paragraphs and the 2nd one is also about a dog not just a person. The first one is about one of my favorite Aunts and the second one is about one of my favorite Uncles.
My Aunt's name is Debra but my family calls her Debbie. She is absolutely one of my most favorite Aunts and she is a lot like me in some ways. She loves nature and animals(I do too!). I love when I get to see her at Christmas time and sometimes even on Thanksgiving but that's not to often because she works at a bank and my Uncle works for a company too. My Aunt is always nice and funny! She even has a dog that is really cute and nice(just like her) and his name is Buddy. I don't get to see my Aunt very much and when I do see her it is totally worth it when I do. Infact whenever I do get to see her I spend a lot of time around her because I love her so much and because she is just so nice! Sometimes in the summer my Aunt invites me and my sister over for the night and it is a lot of fun! Since it is the summer we get to swim in her pond (which is HUGE for a pond!) and if we want we can jump off a HUGE rock and into the water and I LOVE doing that! We haven't been to her house lately with my sister for that because of their jobs so it makes it even better when I get to see her at parties or reunion. I would give my Aunt Debbie 10 twigs and I would ALWAYS do that without hesitating!
My Uncle's name is Rory so he doesn't have a nickname so we call him Rory. Uncle Rory is really good at building things and doing anything like that. He is really nice and is always joking with people but he tells some pretty good jokes! I really like his laugh though it is kinda funny and I like that about it! He also likes nature but I'm not sure if he likes more then Aunt Debbie does! He has a great sense of humor and will kinda pick on my family but he is joking so it is really funny but he does it without hurting their feelings because they will laugh too when he jokes! The last thing I'm gonna talk about is their cute dog Buddy. I talked about him before with him being a little bit like my Aunt but he is really funny and cute. He is a black lab and LOVES to play (ecxpesally if you are playing tug of war or fetch!). Buddy LOVES people but the only problem with that is that he slobbers a lot and you don't want to get his slobber on you! Buddy LOVES me! He sleeps with me if I spend the night there and if I sit down and he is by me almost every time he is he SITS on my lap and he weighs a fair amount but I love him anyway! Both Uncle Rory and Buddy I would give 10 twigs without hesitation!
I am a eleven year old girl who loves to read, write, and certainly give my opinion about everything! I get the name Twigs because I am tall and skinny, so my family started calling me that. Twigs Review will talk about movies, tv shows, books, places I go, things I do and lots of other stuff. Every time i review something i will give it 1-10 twigs. Please leave me comments!
Welcome to Twigs Review!
I like to review movies, books, recipes, TV shows, online videos, and anything else I come across...all from the view of a ten year old twig! If you see that I posted a review about something you want to try please try it and then tell me what you think!
I am so happy to have received a 10 twig review! Anna is my favorite niece and I think we are a lot alike too! I love spending time with her. She loves to play games. Anna taught me how to play Mancala. She's really good at that game & beats me every time we play!