Welcome to Twigs Review!

I like to review movies, books, recipes, TV shows, online videos, and anything else I come across...all from the view of a ten year old twig! If you see that I posted a review about something you want to try please try it and then tell me what you think!

Nov 19, 2010

My farm's pigs!

This year my family and I signed up for a farm and every Tuesday we would go and pick up food and we could also see the pigs, the chickens, and their dogs(the pigs and chickens you can sign up for and then after a while they kill them and you can get some of their meat). We saw the pigs every time we went there and they were SO cute! We even feed them some of our food(they really like blueberries and raspberries!!). Once at feeding time we were there and my sister and I got to feed them some broccoli off of the stick thing it comes on! It was so much fun but some of the pigs were kind of aggressive and tried to get almost all of the food and I really felt bad for the little runt pig. We got half of one of the pigs and we got so much meat my parents had 2 or 3 boxes of it and about half of a rolling cooler filed with pig and but it was only HALF and it look like a WHOLE and a half (that's how big they got from being so small)!!!! I kind of felt bad eating it because when we went to feed them all you would have to say is: HERE PIGGY, PIGGY, PIGGIES!, and they would all just come TROTTING out of their bushes(it was SO cute)!! The other reason I feel bad is because of how found of them we became because of how funny they were!! If it was hot out 2,3,or 4 pigs would fight over going in this big metal tub and they would all be squealing but others just dug holes AROUND the tub and laid down there with their snouts in the ground(hahaha!!).  Either way the meat was pretty darn good (except the first time we had breakfast for dinner and my mom basically BURNED perfectly good bacon to a crisp!!! By the way I just LOVVVVVVVVVVVE bacon!!!). All in all I would give the piggies 10 twigs because of how good they taste, how funny they are, and how much fun it is to feed them!!

These are some of the pigs we saw! They may look cute and harmless but once when my mom went to pet one it almost bit her!! One also bit my arm since they have such bad eye sight he thought it was food but he just held it there until I pulled away!! Even though WE got the last word because.....well lets just say they ended up on our dinner plates!!! :-)

Twigs feeding a pig in July...they were still pretty small.

One little pig in the tub.  It was really hot out.

"Ahhhh...all better." -pig

"foooooooooooood...yum!"  -piggy

pig wrestling!

"ahhhh...time to cool off" -piggy pig
Look at those chompers!!

"hello...i wonder if i look cute enough, will you feed me more??"  -pigs