I am a eleven year old girl who loves to read, write, and certainly give my opinion about everything! I get the name Twigs because I am tall and skinny, so my family started calling me that. Twigs Review will talk about movies, tv shows, books, places I go, things I do and lots of other stuff. Every time i review something i will give it 1-10 twigs. Please leave me comments!
Welcome to Twigs Review!
I like to review movies, books, recipes, TV shows, online videos, and anything else I come across...all from the view of a ten year old twig! If you see that I posted a review about something you want to try please try it and then tell me what you think!
Nov 25, 2010
Appitizer Day
On Mon. after school my family and I came Up North to see some of family. We went to our grandparents house so counting everyone here there is 9 people. On Wed. (yesterday) we had appitizers for lunch. I called this "Appitizer Day". I dedacate this day to my Aunt Diann and my G-ma Kiesgen. My aunt bought and brought all of the appitizers and my grandma did all the cooking. They both did all of the cleaning too(my mom said she was going to help them with the cleaning but she never did!). We had cheese balls and cheese sticks, buffalo wings, and pigs-in-a-blanket. They were all really good and so I would have to give it 9 and a half twigs!
Nov 20, 2010
I really hope you read this Grandma!!!!! Love, Twigs. <3
I really hope you read this Grandma!!!!! Love, Twigs. <3
Nov 19, 2010
Garfield Saturday
My farm's pigs!
This year my family and I signed up for a farm and every Tuesday we would go and pick up food and we could also see the pigs, the chickens, and their dogs(the pigs and chickens you can sign up for and then after a while they kill them and you can get some of their meat). We saw the pigs every time we went there and they were SO cute! We even feed them some of our food(they really like blueberries and raspberries!!). Once at feeding time we were there and my sister and I got to feed them some broccoli off of the stick thing it comes on! It was so much fun but some of the pigs were kind of aggressive and tried to get almost all of the food and I really felt bad for the little runt pig. We got half of one of the pigs and we got so much meat my parents had 2 or 3 boxes of it and about half of a rolling cooler filed with pig and but it was only HALF and it look like a WHOLE and a half (that's how big they got from being so small)!!!! I kind of felt bad eating it because when we went to feed them all you would have to say is: HERE PIGGY, PIGGY, PIGGIES!, and they would all just come TROTTING out of their bushes(it was SO cute)!! The other reason I feel bad is because of how found of them we became because of how funny they were!! If it was hot out 2,3,or 4 pigs would fight over going in this big metal tub and they would all be squealing but others just dug holes AROUND the tub and laid down there with their snouts in the ground(hahaha!!). Either way the meat was pretty darn good (except the first time we had breakfast for dinner and my mom basically BURNED perfectly good bacon to a crisp!!! By the way I just LOVVVVVVVVVVVE bacon!!!). All in all I would give the piggies 10 twigs because of how good they taste, how funny they are, and how much fun it is to feed them!!
These are some of the pigs we saw! They may look cute and harmless but once when my mom went to pet one it almost bit her!! One also bit my arm since they have such bad eye sight he thought it was food but he just held it there until I pulled away!! Even though WE got the last word because.....well lets just say they ended up on our dinner plates!!! :-)
These are some of the pigs we saw! They may look cute and harmless but once when my mom went to pet one it almost bit her!! One also bit my arm since they have such bad eye sight he thought it was food but he just held it there until I pulled away!! Even though WE got the last word because.....well lets just say they ended up on our dinner plates!!! :-)
Twigs feeding a pig in July...they were still pretty small. |
One little pig in the tub. It was really hot out. |
"Ahhhh...all better." -pig |
"foooooooooooood...yum!" -piggy |
pig wrestling! |
"ahhhh...time to cool off" -piggy pig |
Look at those chompers!! |
"hello...i wonder if i look cute enough, will you feed me more??" -pigs |
Nov 16, 2010
Aunt Debbie and Uncle Rory
This post has two paragraphs and the 2nd one is also about a dog not just a person. The first one is about one of my favorite Aunts and the second one is about one of my favorite Uncles.
My Aunt's name is Debra but my family calls her Debbie. She is absolutely one of my most favorite Aunts and she is a lot like me in some ways. She loves nature and animals(I do too!). I love when I get to see her at Christmas time and sometimes even on Thanksgiving but that's not to often because she works at a bank and my Uncle works for a company too. My Aunt is always nice and funny! She even has a dog that is really cute and nice(just like her) and his name is Buddy. I don't get to see my Aunt very much and when I do see her it is totally worth it when I do. Infact whenever I do get to see her I spend a lot of time around her because I love her so much and because she is just so nice! Sometimes in the summer my Aunt invites me and my sister over for the night and it is a lot of fun! Since it is the summer we get to swim in her pond (which is HUGE for a pond!) and if we want we can jump off a HUGE rock and into the water and I LOVE doing that! We haven't been to her house lately with my sister for that because of their jobs so it makes it even better when I get to see her at parties or reunion. I would give my Aunt Debbie 10 twigs and I would ALWAYS do that without hesitating!
My Uncle's name is Rory so he doesn't have a nickname so we call him Rory. Uncle Rory is really good at building things and doing anything like that. He is really nice and is always joking with people but he tells some pretty good jokes! I really like his laugh though it is kinda funny and I like that about it! He also likes nature but I'm not sure if he likes more then Aunt Debbie does! He has a great sense of humor and will kinda pick on my family but he is joking so it is really funny but he does it without hurting their feelings because they will laugh too when he jokes! The last thing I'm gonna talk about is their cute dog Buddy. I talked about him before with him being a little bit like my Aunt but he is really funny and cute. He is a black lab and LOVES to play (ecxpesally if you are playing tug of war or fetch!). Buddy LOVES people but the only problem with that is that he slobbers a lot and you don't want to get his slobber on you! Buddy LOVES me! He sleeps with me if I spend the night there and if I sit down and he is by me almost every time he is he SITS on my lap and he weighs a fair amount but I love him anyway! Both Uncle Rory and Buddy I would give 10 twigs without hesitation!
My Aunt's name is Debra but my family calls her Debbie. She is absolutely one of my most favorite Aunts and she is a lot like me in some ways. She loves nature and animals(I do too!). I love when I get to see her at Christmas time and sometimes even on Thanksgiving but that's not to often because she works at a bank and my Uncle works for a company too. My Aunt is always nice and funny! She even has a dog that is really cute and nice(just like her) and his name is Buddy. I don't get to see my Aunt very much and when I do see her it is totally worth it when I do. Infact whenever I do get to see her I spend a lot of time around her because I love her so much and because she is just so nice! Sometimes in the summer my Aunt invites me and my sister over for the night and it is a lot of fun! Since it is the summer we get to swim in her pond (which is HUGE for a pond!) and if we want we can jump off a HUGE rock and into the water and I LOVE doing that! We haven't been to her house lately with my sister for that because of their jobs so it makes it even better when I get to see her at parties or reunion. I would give my Aunt Debbie 10 twigs and I would ALWAYS do that without hesitating!
My Uncle's name is Rory so he doesn't have a nickname so we call him Rory. Uncle Rory is really good at building things and doing anything like that. He is really nice and is always joking with people but he tells some pretty good jokes! I really like his laugh though it is kinda funny and I like that about it! He also likes nature but I'm not sure if he likes more then Aunt Debbie does! He has a great sense of humor and will kinda pick on my family but he is joking so it is really funny but he does it without hurting their feelings because they will laugh too when he jokes! The last thing I'm gonna talk about is their cute dog Buddy. I talked about him before with him being a little bit like my Aunt but he is really funny and cute. He is a black lab and LOVES to play (ecxpesally if you are playing tug of war or fetch!). Buddy LOVES people but the only problem with that is that he slobbers a lot and you don't want to get his slobber on you! Buddy LOVES me! He sleeps with me if I spend the night there and if I sit down and he is by me almost every time he is he SITS on my lap and he weighs a fair amount but I love him anyway! Both Uncle Rory and Buddy I would give 10 twigs without hesitation!
Nov 15, 2010
Nov 13, 2010
Thanksgiving Dinner
For Thanksgiving my family and I go up North to Bolder Junction and we will be there for about 6 days. For Thanksgiving dinner I love my mom's mashed potatoes and I like my grandma's gravy that would taste SO good with it! I also like her stuffing because they are SO good! From my Grandma I want her stuffing too because she makes it good(my mom makes it better though)! From both or either of them I like to have turkey, green beans, and 2 different pies: lemon meringue and pumpkin pie! I also like biscuits and kids whine. My mom can cook some foods better and my grandma can cook some foods better but I like almost all of it! I think my mom's mashed potatoes and stuffing more then my grandma's but I like my grandma's pies and biscuits more ten my mom's. I love them both and hope that they are both not offended by me saying I like some of the other person's more then the other! P.S Sorry it took so long to get another post out I just didn't know what to write about! :)
Nov 9, 2010
My Cute Dog Murphy
I have a cute little poodle and his name is Murphy. Murphy can be really funny and silly and he is great to have around, epically when you want to play! If you get him wound up enough he'll chase you all over your house and when he does he makes a weird little noise and it sounds like he's saying "murph, murph" it is so funny! Murphy really likes my other bigger dog Chloe, he will just go up to her and bite her ear if he's really wound up! Murphy LOVES to play, unless he's tiered he's almost ALWAYS playing, with or without someone else! He is a golden brown color and about every month he needs a bath since poodle hair can get so weird! Once a week my dad has to clip the fur around Murphy's eyes because it gets all brown and watery and its just GROSS! Murphy is a total copycat of Chloe, if she barks, he barks and with both of them barking it gets REALLY annoying because Murphy has a high and kind of shrill bark and Chloe's is deeper and normal. All in all I would give Murphy 9 twigs because he could improve but I love him anyway and he is a great dog!
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Murphy sitting in the car on our way up north to Bolder Junction with his tounge sticking out licking his nose. |
Nov 7, 2010
The RecPlex
This weekend my dad took me, my sister, and my brother to the RecPlex. We are members there so it was a lot of fun. You can swim indoor or outdoor, play racket or wall ball, ice skate, run on their track or outside, work out, go to summer camp, or take lessons from trainers for stuff like dancing when you go to the RecPlex. If you are a member (which you have to pay for) the only thing you have to pay for is if you are renting things like balls, rackets, and stuff like that. They also have 3 different locker rooms, a womens', a mens', and a family locker room. if you use one of their lockers make sure you put a lock on it so no one can get any of your stuff because that did happen to one person (that I don't know). The RecPlex is a lot of fun and I would highly recomend it to families that like to do things like that. I would even give it 10 twigs because it is such a great place!
Nov 6, 2010
Nov 4, 2010
My mom
Well today my mom left to go to Wausa with 2 of my aunts, 1 of my cousins, and my Grandma ( my mom's mom). If she reads this I just want to say hi to her and everyone with her + my Grandpa even though he isn't excalcly with them right now. So "HI" to everyone up there and a goodnight to my mom! See you on Sunday, I love you!!:)
Nov 3, 2010
My "Great" Family
Well I just back from the doctor's office with my brother, sister, and mom. Well no one needed shots all I needed was a little finger prick so they could see how my blood sugar was. My mom picked me up when my class and I were just finishing up science so I didn't mind that. After the doctor's office we went to Walmart to get some things for dinner. I'm having roast beef with mashed potatoes tonight, YUMMY! I got home and took out the dogs but about 5 seconds after I got home my family, (- my dad) started driving me CRAZY!!!!! My dumb brother started saying how my sister needed to start doing 1 of his chores, the dishes. My brother has been talking about it and my dad said soon she had to start doing it soon. The whole problem there is that my sister ALWAYS acts like shes MY age but she is 2 years older so she just keeps denying it and keeps not having to do because (like always) my mom goes on my sister's side and doesn't have to do the dishes. Then my brother and sister stated fighting after and I was so board and annoyed I went into a different room to see that someone had eaten a lot of my Halloween candy. My brother claims he only ate 1 thing but I KNOW he ate more. The thing that sucks there is he took one of my absolute FAVORITE candy bars and I only had one of those and he ate it because he didn't get much candy and he already ate ALL of it!! After that everyone was yelling, including my mom. It really sucked so I came down to a computer to go on my blog and have some actual fun today!! And since I review and I'm suppose to give a review I would give my doctor's office 10 twigs because they are really nice and when they do the finger pricks I didn't fell anything. On the other hand I would give my family 9 twigs because of how much they yell and fight, including me !!
Nov 2, 2010
My mom's chicken pot pies
Tonight for dinner my mom made my family and I her super good chicken pot pies. They are really good and I thought I should review it because of how good it is. This is how you make it: first melt a little bit of butter. Then add chopped onion, carrot, celery, and diced chicken. Once the chicken is cooked you add flour in the pot and mix it in as a thickener. Then you slowly add chicken broth as you stir until there is no lumps. Then add seasoning such as rosemary, salt and pepper, frozen peas, and a secret herb. Then bring it to a boil and let it simmer to thicken. Wait for about 15 minutes and then scoop it into little individual tins or one big pan. Then you get a tube of the grands flaky layer biscuits and take one biscuit and pull it a part at the middle and spread it out a little bit flat so the two pieces fit over the whole tin. Then put it on a foil lined sheet pan and put it in the oven for about 15 minutes or until the top is golden brown. All in all i would give this recipe 9 twigs. I would give it 9 because I like the nice flaky top instead. I also like how good it makes the whole house smell.
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My chicken pot pie after I tasted it |
Nov 1, 2010
The Brunswick Zone Bowling alley
On Friday My family and I went to the Brunswick Zone Bowling alley. It was a lot of fun and they even have an arcade. They probably have around 25 lanes for bowling on. Me and my family got #16. All of my family was there except my big brother Adam. He was at a friends house and said he didn't want to go but I'll tell you he really missed out on a great bowling alley! They are really high tech and even their arcades prize picker was high tech! They had a very wide selection of bowling balls. My family and I only needed 4 but we had about 7 on the ball holder! I had to try so many different ways to bowl and it took me a while to find the best technique. It was really cool to see the bumpers come up and go down because you could pick if you wanted to use them or not because at the beginning when you type your name and the order you want your names in you can say if that player wants bumpers or not. I chose bumpers because I'm not very good at bowling. But in the 2nd game we played I got a spare then a strike and then another spare in that order without using the bumpers once! The first spare I got my mom said she'd give me a dollar if I got spare without using the bumpers because right then I wasn't doing too good. My mom had 3 bowling balls and then she picked her favorite one to use but it was a metallic silver color and we called it the silver bullet because the 2 games my mom played she got first place by a some points. my dad was pretty good at bowling too and he usually got 2nd place when we bowled. After we finished bowling mom gave me and my sister money to use in the arcade. I turned my dollar into tokens and since my sister got a dollar bowling she turned hers into tokens too. My mom split $5 for us and my dad gave each of us 1 quarter to turn into tokens because they are such great, nice parents. All in all I'd definitely give this bowling alley 10 twigs.
My dad helping and showing me how to bowl right. |
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