Welcome to Twigs Review!

I like to review movies, books, recipes, TV shows, online videos, and anything else I come across...all from the view of a ten year old twig! If you see that I posted a review about something you want to try please try it and then tell me what you think!

Oct 31, 2010

Halloween candy

Since in 2 hours it will be 4:00, when trick-or-treating starts I thought I would write about the Halloween candy that you would usually get on Halloween. First I'm going to talk about which candies I don't like or want to get on Halloween. I really don't like butter fingers, whoppers, heath bars,or super sour warhead candies. Those are the only candies that I can think of that I have tried but don't like. The candies that I really like are chocolate bars, airheads, nerds, 100 grand bars, snickers, crasleston chews, mike-in-iks, sour/sweat warheads, m & ms, twirlers, fun dips, and skittles. Those are ones that I really like not just like a little, other wise my list of candy that I like a little bit but not as much as others would be about 2 times as long as that one! One other thing I like a lot is suckers. I don't just mean little dumb-dumb suckers I mean at least medium sized suckers! There is one thing you need to ALWAYS remember: take however many pieces of candy that your suppose to, and no more then your suppose to though!


  1. Happy Halloween! I hope you get all the good candy you like :)

  2. I agree with you, I don't care to much for butterfingers but I do like the chocolate bars that they kids bring home.
